How to Run Security Camera Wires

How security camera wires are installed may end up determining whether the cameras will perform their roles effectively or not. Proper planning also reduces the length of wires required. This may end up significantly reducing the cost of installation of the security system. The larger the scale of installation, the higher the amount of saving that may be realized. Properly ran wires also have a bearing to durability of the security system. If the wires are loose, they may end up unplugging entire systems. This article explores ways that security camera wires can be ran to provide the ultimate security camera service. The following are steps to be taken when wiring.

i. Design and locate the surveillance hub

All the wires from cameras in the surveillance system end up in the same location, the hub. If the hub is located in an awkward position in relation to the positions where cameras are to be located, then the wires will run awkwardly to the hub. Properly designed and sited hub ensures that the cables are shorter and better positioned.

ii. Drill holes where the wires are to pass

One of the main challenges in running wires is how to get them through walls. In some in some instances, cables have been passed through doorways. This eventually leads to breakage of the wires, camera malfunction and it ruins the beauty of the house. Drilling holes through walls where necessary is a good way of passing the wires through.

iii. Pass the wires from cameras, through the drilled holes

Once the cameras have been installed, the wires need to be taken to the surveillance hub. This means that they are to be run on the walls or ceilings. To push the wires through the holes may require two people. One to push from one end while the other receives them. It is important for the cables to be labelled from both ends. This makes it possible for the house owner to know which cable comes from which camera. With wires labeled appropriately. It is easier to troubleshoot if a camera is not working.

iv. Bury cables that if they run from outside

Requirements for running cables are the same for both outdoor and indoor cameras. The difference is that outdoors, there is nothing to anchor cables on. To keep the system from suffering the consequences of exposed cables, they should be put into a conduit and buried. The trench should ne 18 inches deep.


The ultimate decision on how to run the wires is dependent on the property. It also may be determined by the type of security cameras. Wireless cameras have different wiring requirements to those without cables. Analogue cameras have different cabling needs to digital cameras. This means that a person doing the installation should be cognizant of the specific wiring needs for their system. They should then go on and take the necessary steps to run the wires appropriately.